
Test Your Knowledge 

Use the following questions to assess your grasp of the concepts, principles and processes related to TeamSTEPPS.



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Research into the Root Causes of treatment errors have led us to prioritize and address the problem of:

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A nurse is very concerned about a baby that she is taking care of and feels it would be best to have the attending pediatrician
come to the bedside immediately to evaluate. Checking around the unit, she locates the pediatrician, but she is busy dictating a
The nurse's BEST action is to:

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A night nurse is concerned about the status of one of the patients in her care and feels that it will be necessary to call and awaken the covering on call physician. Getting her thoughts and information together she plans to structure the phone call in the most effective and efficient way.

Using the SBAR technique advocated by Team STEPPS she should begin the phone call by introducing herself and then describe items related to:


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During the closure of a complex surgical case, the sponge count comes up one short after two careful counts. The surgeon believing that he removed all visible sponges from the abdomen, ignores the cirulating nurse and continues the closure.

The BEST action for the concerned circulating nurse is:


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The resident working in the ICU is having difficulty interacting with the unit nurse (who has worked there a long time). The nurse continually is telling her what to do in front of patients.

The BESTcourse of action for the resident is to:


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The BEST method of interpersonal conflict resolution, according to Team STEPPS is:

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A shared mental model is critical for team members primarily because:

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The best communication tool or method to get critical information to the whole team during an emergency or complex procedure is:

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Who is the leader in medical teams?

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The main reason that hierarchical structures can be a problem to team performance is:

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The most effective way to address a situation where an inappropriate treatment order has been given by the team leader to another team member is:

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If a team leader is challenged and then found to be correct, the most appropriate response the team leader can make is to:

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At the beggining of an important activity or exercise a good team leader should:

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After an unsuccessful effort by the code resuscitation team, the most helpful pathway toward team performance improvement involves:


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