

This interprofessional learning module which focuses on TeamSTEPPS is meant to enhance team performance in a simulated
patient care environment.

Upon completion of this module the learner will demonstrate:


This module will introduce and discuss TeamSTEPPS strategies for effective communication and enhanced team functioning.

The learner should understand and be prepared to demonstrate the following TeamSTEPPS elements and related tools:

In order to demonstrate the proper application of TeamSTEPPS, participants will participate in an interprofessional patient-care simulation.
The focus of this exercise will be on utilizing TeamSTEPPS strategies.

Interprofessional teams participating in this cohort study will be assessed on their performance according to TeamSTEPPS principles.

As you study this module, you should do so with an eye toward how the behaviors described would be carried out in your clinical setting.

This will help you to begin to translate theoretical knowledge into a practical application of the desired team skills.

Throughout the module, you will receive practical tips and strategies for incorporating TeamSTEPPS behaviors. 

Please advance to the next page to begin this TeamSTEPPS learning module.


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