Session Resources

COURSE 107: Host Pathogens
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1 Host Pathogens Course Overview (Asynchronous)
3/17/25 06:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
March 2 Intro to Host Pathogens (Asynchronous)
3/17/25 07:30 am -- Kristopaitis, Theresa -- Lecture
March 3 Overview of the Microbial World (Asynchronous)
3/17/25 08:30 am -- Ulijasz, Andrew -- Lecture
March 4 Bacterial Growth/Nutrition (Asynchronous)
3/18/25 08:30 am -- Ulijasz, Andrew -- Lecture
March 5 Bacterial Cell Structure/Function (Asynchronous)
3/19/25 08:30 am -- Ulijasz, Andrew -- Lecture
March 6 Dissemination of Abx Resistance I Genomes (Asynchronous)
3/20/25 06:30 am -- Wolfe, Alan -- Lecture
March 7 Dissemination of Abx Resistance II: Mechanisms of Bacterial Gene Exchange (Asynchronous)
3/20/25 07:30 am -- Wolfe, Alan -- Lecture
March 8 Virulence Mechanisms of Gene Regulation I (Asynchronous)
3/21/25 06:30 am -- Wolfe, Alan -- Lecture
March 9 Virulence Mechanisms of Gene Regulation II (Asynchronous)
3/21/25 07:30 am -- Wolfe, Alan -- Lecture
March 10 Regulation of Virulence (Asynchronous)
3/24/25 08:30 am -- Wolfe, Alan -- Lecture
March 11 Virulence Adherence/Antigenic Diversity (Asynchronous)
3/25/25 08:30 am -- Wolfe, Alan -- Lecture
March 12 Emerging Infections (Asynchronous)
3/25/25 09:30 am -- Ulijasz, Andrew -- Lecture
March 13 Bacterial Physiology (On Campus)
3/26/25 09:30 am -- Small Group
March 14 Q&A Session 1
3/26/25 11:00 am -- Review Session
March 15 Bacterial Genetics (On Campus)
3/27/25 09:30 am -- Small Group
March 16 Exam Room Prep (Coordinators Only)
3/31/25 12:30 pm -- Other
March 17 Exam 1 (Administered in SSOM)
3/31/25 01:00 pm -- Exam
March 18 Role of Microscopy in the Diagnosis of Infectious Disease (Asynchronous)
4/1/25 08:30 am -- Kristopaitis, Theresa -- Lecture
April 19 Staphylococci (Asynchronous)
4/2/25 07:30 am -- Harrington, Amanda -- Lecture
April 20 Streptococci & Enterococci (Asynchronous)
4/3/25 08:30 am -- Harrington, Amanda -- Lecture
April 21 Enterobacteriaceae I (Asynchronous)
4/4/25 07:30 am -- Harrington, Amanda -- Lecture
April 22 Enterobacteriaceae II (Asynchronous)
4/4/25 08:30 am -- Harrington, Amanda -- Lecture
April 23 Pseudomonas & Other Gram Negative Rods (Asynchronous)
4/7/25 08:30 am -- Harrington, Amanda -- Lecture
April 24 Gram Positive Rods (Asynchronous)
4/8/25 07:30 am -- Harrington, Amanda -- Lecture
April 25 Gram Positive/Negative Anaerobic Bacteria (Asynchronous)
4/9/25 08:30 am -- Hecht, David -- Lecture
April 26 Bacterial Zoonoses (Asynchronous)
4/15/25 08:30 am -- Harrington, Amanda -- Lecture
April 27 Rickettsia-Erlichia (Asynchronous)
4/16/25 08:30 am -- Visick, Karen -- Lecture
April 28 Vibrio/Heliobacter/Campylobacter (Asynchronous)
4/17/25 08:30 am -- Harrington, Amanda -- Lecture
April 29 Legionella, Haemophilus, and Bordetella (Asynchronous)
4/21/25 06:30 am -- McMullen, Phillip -- Lecture
April 30 Chlamydia, Neisseria, and Mycoplasma (Asynchronous)
4/22/25 06:30 am -- McMullen, Phillip -- Lecture
April 31 Mycobacterium (Asynchronous)
4/23/25 06:30 am -- Raghavan, Krishna -- Lecture
April 32 Spirochetes Treponemes (Asynchronous)
4/24/25 06:30 am -- Raghavan, Krishna -- Lecture
April 33 Mycology I: Introduction to Mycology (Asynchronous)
4/24/25 06:30 pm -- Harrington, Amanda -- Lecture
April 34 Mycology II: Opportunistic Fungal Infections (Asynchronous)
4/24/25 07:30 pm -- Harrington, Amanda -- Lecture
April 35 Mycology III: Systemic Fungal Infections (Asynchronous)
4/25/25 06:30 am -- Harrington, Amanda -- Lecture
April 36 Mycology IV: Cutaneous & Subcutaneous Mycoses (Asynchronous)
4/25/25 07:30 am -- Harrington, Amanda -- Lecture
April 37 Parasitology I & II: Protozoa - Part 1 (Asynchronous)
5/5/25 05:30 pm -- Slade, David -- Lecture
May 38 Parasitology I & II: Protozoa - Part 2 (Asynchronous)
5/5/25 06:30 pm -- Slade, David -- Lecture
May 39 Parasitology I & II: Protozoa - Part 3 (Asynchronous)
5/5/25 07:30 pm -- Slade, David -- Lecture
May 40 Parasitology III: Helminths (Asynchronous) *This lecture was recorded on Zoom. You may need to log in to Zoom using your LUC credentials to access*
5/6/25 08:30 am -- Pacheco, Susan -- Lecture
May 41 Parasitology IV: Helminths (Asynchronous) *This lecture was recorded on Zoom. You may need to log in to Zoom using your LUC credentials to access*
5/6/25 09:30 am -- Pacheco, Susan -- Lecture
May 42 Microbiology Case Review Session (On Campus)
5/7/25 09:30 am -- Harrington, Amanda -- Review Session
May 43 Mycology Case Review Session (On Campus)
5/7/25 10:30 am -- Harrington, Amanda -- Review Session
May 44 Parasitology Case Review
5/8/25 12:00 pm -- Pacheco, Susan -- Review Session
May 45 Exam Room Prep (Coordinators Only)
5/13/25 12:30 pm -- Other
May 46 Exam 2 (Administered in SSOM)
5/13/25 01:00 pm -- Exam
May 47 Biology of Viruses (Asynchronous)
5/14/25 07:30 am -- Baker, Susan -- Lecture
May 48 Enteric Viral Infections (Asynchronous)
5/14/25 09:30 am -- Baker, Susan -- Lecture
May 49 Respiratory Viruses I (Asynchronous)
5/14/25 10:30 am -- Lecture
May 50 Respiratory Viruses II (Asynchronous)
5/15/25 08:30 am -- Baker, Susan -- Lecture
May 51 Systemic Viral Infections (Asynchronous)
5/15/25 09:30 am -- Baker, Susan -- Lecture
May 52 HIV (Asynchronous)
5/15/25 10:30 am -- Lecture
May 53 Virus Infections of the CNS (Asynchronous)
5/16/25 08:30 am -- Lecture
May 54 Herpes I- Latent Viral Infections (Asynchronous)
5/16/25 09:30 am -- Baker, Susan -- Lecture
May 55 Herpes II- Latent Viral Infections (Asynchronous)
5/16/25 10:30 am -- Baker, Susan -- Lecture
May 56 Viral Vaccines (Asynchronous)
5/19/25 08:30 am -- Baker, Susan -- Lecture
May 57 Emerging Viral Infections (Asynchronous)
5/19/25 09:30 am -- Baker, Susan -- Lecture
May 58 Hepatic Viruses (Asynchronous)
5/19/25 10:30 am -- Baker, Susan -- Lecture
May 59 Virology Case Review Session I - Q&A (On Campus)
5/19/25 01:00 pm -- Review Session
May 60 Coronavirus (Asynchronous)
5/20/25 09:30 am -- Baker, Susan -- Lecture
May 61 Oncogenic Viruses (Asynchronous)
5/20/25 10:30 am -- Lecture
May 62 Virology Case Review Session II - Q&A (On Campus)
5/20/25 01:00 pm -- Review Session
May 63 Exam Room Prep (Coordinators Only)
5/23/25 09:00 am -- Other
May 64 Exam 3 (Administered in SSOM)
5/23/25 09:30 am -- Exam
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