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The activity has an image with defined hotspot areas. The hotspot areas in the image are labeled as:

MEDIAL PECTORAL NERVE (C8,T1) supplies and pierces the pectoralis minor muscle--continues to supply the pectoralis major muscle ( along with lateral pectoral nerve). May form a loop in front of the axillary artery with the lateral pectoral nerve
INTERCOSTOBRACHIAL NERVE OF T2--a twig from T2 joins the medial brachial cutaneous nerve to help innervate the medial upper arm and floor of the axilla
MEDIAL BRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE (C8, T1)--Assists the intercostobrachial nerve in innervating the medial upper arm and floor of axilla.
MEDIAL ANTEBRACHIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE--(C8, T1)--supplies a little skin over the biceps and the skin on the medial forearm down to the wrist.
ULNAR NERVE--"Funny Bone"--(C7, C8, T1) Supplies the flexor carpi ulnaris and one half of the flexor digitorum muscles in the forearm. Supplies all intrinsic muscles of the hand--palmaris brevis, adductor pollicis, interossei 3&4, abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi , opponen digiti minimi, except for 1/2 LOAF muscles supplied by MEDIAN nerve (lumbricals 1&2, opponens pollicis, abductor pollicis brevis, and flexor pollicis brevis. Cutaneous innervation includes:-skin over palmar surface of little finger and medial ring finger--and skin over dorsal surface of medial hand.

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